Things I like about Brazil:
- Saaaaamba! I don't speak much Portuguese, and Brazilians are kind to speak to be in English when they can, yet I've never communicated better here than when dancing with the girls. It seems every Brazlilian woman knows how to dance, and WELL. I can't dance like they do, not nearly, but they seem to love it when I try. And I love it too. Samba is rediculously fast, I can't even see what they're doing with their feet. But pretending works ok, just move to the music.

- The cereal aisle at the supermarket has one kind of cereal: Frosted Flakes. An entire aisle of Frosted flakes. I wish I'd had my camera when I saw this. I'll try to get a picture before I leave.
- Juice. Suco. I've said it before, but my oh my, it's soooo good.

- Churrasco: Two nights in a row we had friends over for this Brazilian type of barbeque. The grill is going all night long - filet, sausage, garlic bread, goat cheese with oregano are made and served hot off the grill, everyone munching for hours a bite or two at a time. Music plays, some people dance, many talk, a select few may be kissing in the middle of the party or swimming in the pool. I think I'll have to resign to the fact that morning people like myself don't have the inherent late night energy of young Brazlians - both parties went past 4 am.