Here I am in Hamburg, writing from the distinguished Neurological research department at the University of Hamburg, office of Dr. Ulrike Bingel. Many important discoveries in Neuroscience are occurring all around me, and I'm sitting in the office corner blogging about things like 'Hamburger Bank.' I'm STILL laughing about it. Remember the Hamburgler? I just read he is responsible for the pickle mutiny of 1932 and heisting millions of Hamburgers from the McDonalds archive. I had no idea. According to a reliable web resource, mockingword.com, the Hamburgler has contracted Mad Cow Disease. Such a tragic life. Please read for more information: http://www.mockingword.com/brief-mockery/hamburgler-mad.html
This is the first time in a while I've had the opportunity to share photos. The ones you see here are a scattered mixture from my week skiing in Hintertux, my several days in Vienna, and Hamburg. Let's go on a photo adventure!

Check out this guy's sweater! Is he Norweigen or what? I had to chase him down the mountain to get a decent shot. Well worth it, don't you think?

Austrians! Love em to pieces. I can't get this photo to align itself on the left of the page. It's driving me Crazy.

Vienna Choir Boys. They are so little!

What would Austria be without fur? Imagine the protestors surrounding THIS store if it were in the US? These coats make me think of the Baronness in the Sound of Music.
Things I love about Austria: Sausage and Cheese!

I'm growing very frustrated with the computer so I have to go eat some brötchen and calm myself before I continue the stories of my adventures. Acutally I probably won't eat brötchen, it's a breakfast food, I just wanted to use the ö letter.