The World is Your Oyster

Tuesday, May 23, 2006



I'm way behind on blogging, of course, I always am. But who says a blog should be a consequtive log of events? In good time I will give my wonderful days in Taipei with Michael their proper due, but for now I'll share a limited set of pictures from Cambodia. In Siem Reap, Sunny and I rented bicycles during our four-day stay, and found them a handy way to travel throughout the city. Of course, it's currently the rainy season in Cambodia, and more than once we were caught riding in the rain. It's not Seattle rain, the light mist we experience constantly from September to May. No no, the "rainy season" in Cambodia means a sheet of water dropped from the sky, heavy enough to soak a person in several seconds. It's astounding! I love it!

OK change of plans. As you can see, there are no new pictures. Sorry to disappoint, please file a complaint with, which is the most inefficient and frustrating blogging system I have ever used. It is also the only one. I imagine someone from blogger is reading my complaint right now and my blog will be put on some sort of blog black list. Maybe it already has been, and that's why I cannot upload pictures. Or perhaps it's this archaic device I'm sitting in front of, which in 1995 would resemble a "computer" but it has a slower processing speed than my TI-83. Yes, you remember, TI-83 Tetris was the only way to survive calculus in high school. That calculator would be an impressive addition to the hardware collection in this Cambodian internet cafe. I won't complain further, considering the Khamer Rouge Regime killed nearly 30% of the Cambodian population from 1975-79. The country is easily forgiven for being a bit behind in computer technology. Speaking of obvious segues, I have been astounded to learn of the horriffic history of Cambodia, and knowing how much occurred in my life time only opens my eyes and frightens me even more. In high school, my progressive history teacher (is that an oxy moron?) Ms...dear god I can't remember her name. Have I been out of high school that long? Regardless, this idealistic and hopeful teacher of mine, who I shamefully had for two years and absolutely adored because she had bumper stickers that said "Free Tibet" and "Whirrled Peas"and I STILL can't remember her name, was always trying to raise our awareness of world events. We watched a film called "The Killing Fields," an account of two reporters during the Khamer Rouge take-over and the subsequent events in Cambodia. I remember thinking "Where's Cambodia?" That's embarrassing. At least I now know where Cambodia is.

Tomorrow I head East to Thailand for a few days, then fly to Taipei to see Michael's new apartment and his beautiful girlfriend Shiho for one evening, and on May 30th I land in Seattle. Traveling is wonderful, but I will be very happy to be home.

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